2007.11.25 【擦去他們一切的眼淚 He Will Wipe Every Tear From Their Eyes】 胡忠倫牧師 Rev. Allen Hu

He will Wipe every Tear from Their eyes
啟示錄Revelation 21:1-4

一、人生與死亡 Life & Death
• 生命有限 Life is short (Job 約伯14:1-2)
• 世人不願面對 Don’t want to Face
• 想辦法to Try many ways to Prevent

二、聖經看死亡 Bible & Death
• 人必經之路 Everybody future way (Ecclesiastes傳3:1-6,11)
• 生命將改變 Our Life will change (Job 伯14:11-14)
• 復活與不朽 We will be raised imperishable (1Cor.林前15:51-53)
• 痛苦會結束No more tear & pain (Rev. 啟21:3-4)

三、深刻功課 Profundity Lesson
• 警醒感恩 Watchful & Thankful (Col.西4:2)
• 多作主工 Work for Lord (1Cor.林前15:58)
• 相信永生 Believe Eternal Life (Rev.啟21:3)
• 接受安慰 To accept God’s Comfort (林後2 Cor.1:4-7)

1 Thessalonians 帖前5:16-18
因為這是神在基督裏, 向你們所定的旨意。
Be Joyful always; Pray continually; Give
thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s
will for you in Christ Jesus.


代禱事項 Prayer Items

1. 為準備在今年聖誕節接受洗禮的弟兄姊妹們代禱。
2. 求主繼續安慰胡牧師、胡恩慈及遺族並身心有憂傷痛苦的弟兄姊妹。
3. 為本教會2008年的新方向,目標及各項計劃代禱, 求神賜給牧師、傳道及所有執事們有聰明智慧及力量。

1. Pray for the brothers and sisters who will be baptized this Christmas.
2. May God continue to comfort pastor Hu , Isabella and their family.Pray for those who with physical ailments or emotional.
3. Pray for our church’s 2008 ministry. May God grant vision and strength to our Pastors and new leadership team.