(Last Sunday of each month is joint service. This sermon is preached in Mandarin with English Interpretation.)
The Wife of Noble Character
Proverb 箴言31:10-31
一、世人選擇配偶的要件 Spouse Requirement
•Appearance 外貌身材
•Background 家世背景
•Character 個性氣質
•Degree 學識職位
•Earning 薪資財富
二、箴言看家庭主婦 Housewife in Proverbs
• 舉足輕重 (12:4,14:1) Hold the balance
• 主要支柱 (31:10-12) Mostly Support
• 力道強勁 (27:15-16,21:9,19) Power influence
• 上帝禮物 (18:22,19:14) God’s Blessing
• 寶貝愛惜 (5:18-19) Worthy Treasure
三、良妻典範Good Wife Model
1.最佳幫手 Helper (箴31:11,12, 28)
2.及時供應 Provider (箴31:14,20,26)
3.殷勤持家 Housekeeper (箴31:15,16)
4.堅強膀臂 Might Arm (箴31:17,19)
5.細心安排 Planner (箴31:21,22,27)
6.多才多藝 Versatility (箴31:13,24)
7.智慧尊榮 Honor (箴31:10,23,25,30,31)
四、才德的婦人→聖徒之間 The Wife of Noble Character
(4 維他命Vitamins ABCD)
A=Acceptance 彼此接納 (Romans羅15:7)
B=Bible 屬天智慧 (Proverbs箴4:5-9)
C=Communication 真誠溝通 (2Timothy提後 2:23-25)
D=Delicacy 敏銳尊重 (1Peter彼前3:7)
(Oct. 3, '07 全教會禱告會, 每月第一個週三8pm。歡迎兄姐參加!)
(Oct. 3, '07 Congregational Prayer Meeting, the first Wed night 8pm of each month. Your support is graciously appreciated.)
1. 為本教會即將開始新的小組事工及各小組所需的異象與同工們代禱。
1. Pray for the vision of our new small group ministry and coworkers.
2. 為本教會2008年新執事的候選人代禱,求神帶領合神心意的同工。
2. Pray for the candidate of 2008 deacons, may God himself call the right person to serve him.
3. 為胡師母即將面對的癌症治療仰望,求神賜下信心與勇氣。
3. Pray for Jenny Hu’s cancer treatment. May God grand her faith and courage.