(This Thanksgiving sunday sermon is preached in English with Mandarin Interpretation.)
Signs of a Maturing ChurchSigns of a Maturing Church
(Ephesians Ephesians 以弗所以弗所4: 14: 1––6, 116, 11––1616)
// Signs of a Maturing ChurchSigns of a Maturing Church 教會邁向成熟的徵兆 //
I* Diversified in Gifts 多元恩賜
- God’s given gifts are acknowledged (v.11)
- 認知恩賜來自神
- Gifts are mobilized and utilized (v. 16)
- 動員恩賜,裝備聖徒
II* Unified in Purpose 目標合一
- To equip God’s people for ministry (v. 12)
- 裝備神的子民以進行神的事工
- To build up the body of Christ to achieve harmony (vv. 3-4, 12, 16)
- 建立基督身體以促成和諧
III* Growing in Maturity 發展成熟
- In the knowledge of Jesus Christ: accurate and complete (v. 13)
- 對基督的認識: 正確全備
- In faith: strong & unwavering (v. 14)
- 信心: 堅固、不輕易動搖
- In love: for God, each other, and outsiders (vv. 2, 15, 16)
- 愛: 對神, 對弟兄姐, 對外
// Challenges of a Maturing Church 教會邁向成熟面臨的挑戰 //
I* Continuing dependence upon Christ 持續靠主
II* Working toward unity in diversity 異中求同
III* Encouraging every-member ministry 人人服事
IV* Featuring a loving and caring community 愛與關懷
// Sharing 分享見證 //
* 過去服事中最高興的經歷 Most happy moment
* 過去服事中最難忘的時刻 Most unforgettable moment
- 董宏礎長老 Elder Tung (Facility)
- 王受禮長老 Elder Wang (Education)
- 董欣讓執事 Joe Tung (Caring)
- 王鵬宇執事 Paul Wang (Treasure)
- 何其昌執事 Tony Ho (English)
- 鄭怜智 Patty (Children)
- 董欣憲主席 Ken Tung
// Over the Rainbow //
// 僕人Servant 馬太Matt.25:21 //
* 忠心良善 Faithful & Good
良善忠心 Good & Faithful
* New Life Church 新生命教會
林後5:17 若有人在基督裏, 他就是新造的人, 舊事以過, 都變成新的了
“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" - 2 Corinthians 5:17
本週代禱事項 Prayer Items:
1. 感謝神過去15年在本教會的帶領與恩典也特別感謝董宏礎、王受禮、董欣憲、董欣讓、王鵬宇、何其昌(10年以上執事) 、鄭怜智(兒童事工)及所有同工們的付出,願一切榮耀歸給神。
1. Give thanks to God for His grace for past 15 years. Special thanks to Thomas, Shou Li, Ken, Joe, Paul, Tony (service for deacon over 10years), Patty (Children Ministry), and all co-workers. May glory be to the Lord.
2. 為本教會各個新小組的小組長及同工們代禱,求神賜下異象與能力。
2. Pray for each fellowship and group. May God grant the strength to each leader and coworkers.
3. 為胡師母即將面對的癌症治療仰望,求神賜下信心與勇氣。
3. Pray for Jenny Hu’s cancer treatment. May God grant her faith and courage.